DESCRIPTION: Lumex is a fast-acting, non-streaking, liquid concentrate for renovating and brightening aluminum and stainless steel.
IDEAL USE: Lumex is specially designed for use by Trucking Companies, Truck Washing Operators, Mobile Home Manufacturers and Dealers and Building Construction and Maintenance companies (for outdoor aluminum and stainless steel structure).
- Economical - Lumex is very economical to use due to its high-concentrations and quick, brightening and cleaning power.
- Efficient - Lumex begins working instantly, thus saving labor costs. It requires no neutralizing after application and can be diluted with up to 15 parts of water. Lumex dissolves even the toughest road film.
- Multiple Uses - Lumex removes dirt, road film and diesel exhaust deposits from highway trailers, trucks and other road vehicles It is also used to remove dirt and corrosion from any aluminum or stainless steel surface exposed to weather as well as removing scale and water deposits from aluminum boat hulls.
- Rinses Clean and Streak Free - Lumex is 100% soluble. Leaves no salts or deposits to streak. Rinses free without wiping to yield a uniform, soft, glare-free surface.
LUMEX - Aluminum Acidic Cleaner
- Dilute 1 part Lumex with 10 parts water
- Thoroughly wet glass areas down with water before spraying the aluminum
- Apply solution with a Poly Sprayer starting at the bottom and work up.
- Allow a few minutes to act, then flush with water
- Use bristle brush or soft cotton mop for stubborn corrosion.
NOTE: Lumex can etch glass. Avoid spraying on glass surfaces and if accidentally exposed, wash-off immediately.
- Type - Aluminum Acidic Cleaner
- Color - Hot Pink
- Odor - Slightly Acidic
- pH Factor - <1
- Flammability - N/A
- Toxicity - Corrosive
Lumex must be used in accordance with label directions